Membership Composition and Eligibility Requirements

Membership Composition

The members of this association are composed of regular members, associate members, organizational members, special members, and honorary members who align with the objectives of the association.

Regular Members

1.Regular members are classified into general members and lifetime members.

2.General members must meet one or more of the following criteria and obtain approval from the Board of Directors, as well as pay the prescribed membership fee.

  • 1)Individuals engaged in education in the field of content-related industry
  • 2)Individuals who have obtained a master's degree or higher and are engaged in research or field experience in content-related industry
  • 3)Individuals who have worked for more than 3 years and have made achievements in the content - related industry
  • 4)Individuals who have made significant contributions to the development of content-related industry

3.Lifetime members are general members who have paid the lifetime membership fee.

Associate Members

Associate members are individuals who have less than 3 years of experience in the content-related industry or who are with bachelor’s degree or higher or currently pursuing a master's degree or professional course in content-related disciplines. They must obtain approval from the Board of Directors and pay the membership fee according to the regulations and rules on membership fees.

Organizational Members

Organizational members are industry-academia cooperating organizations in content-related field that align with the objectives of the association. Organizational members must obtain approval from the Board of Directors and pay the prescribed membership fee.

Organizational members are classified into the following:

  • A.Corporate Members
  • B.Other Organizations
  • C.Lifetime Corporate Members

Special Members and Honorary Members

1.Special members are individuals or organizations that provide financial support for the development of the association. They must obtain approval from the Board of Directors.

2.Honorary Members are individuals or organizations who have made significant contributions to the development of the association. They must obtain approval from the Board of Directors.

Members' Rights and Obligations

1.Regular members have the right to vote, be elected, and participate in the decision-making process at general meetings. However, regular members can exercise these rights only if they fulfill all their obligations, including the payment of membership fees.

2.Associate members, organizational members, special members, and honorary members can participate in the activities of the association, attend general meetings, and express their opinions. However, they do not have the right to vote, be elected, or participate in decision-making.

3.Regular members, associate members, and organizational members must pay their membership fees on an annual basis, starting from the date of their initial payment, in order to maintain their membership.

4.Associate members automatically become regular members after a period of two years from the date of joining, acquiring the rights and obligations of regular members.

5.Members should fulfill their obligation of paying membership fees to submit a paper to the association or present a paper at an academic conference. Therefore, outstanding fees need to be settled prior to the submission or presentation of the papers.

Membership Accession and Withdrawal

1.Individuals or organizations wishing to join the association must submit a membership application form and pay the prescribed membership fees.

2.Members of the association have the right to withdraw at any time based on their own decision. However, in such cases, any prepaid membership fees will not be refunded.

Membership Fee Regulation

The membership fees shall comply with the following enforcement rules.

Article 1 (Purpose)

The purpose of these rules is to stipulate detailed provisions regarding members' obligations to pay membership fees.

Article 2 (Membership Fee Obligations)

1.Regular members are divided into general members and lifetime members.

  • A.General Members
    The annual membership fee is 50,000 KRW, and it must be paid within 3 months from the start of the fiscal year.
    (President: 300,000 KRW, Vice President: 150,000 KRW, Director: 100,000 KRW)
  • B.Lifetime Members
    Lifetime membership fee is 500,000 KRW and with this payment, they are exempt from annual fees.
    This must be paid within 2 months from the date of joining.

2.Organizational Members: The annual membership fee for the entire year must be paid in full within 3 months from the commencement of the fiscal year.

  • A.Corporate Members: Annual membership fee of 1,000,000 KRW
  • B.Other Organizations: Annual membership fee of 500,000 KRW
  • C.Lifetime Corporate Members: 5,000,000 KRW

3.Special Members and Honorary Members are exempt from membership fee obligations.

4.Associate Members: The annual membership fee for associate members is 30,000 KRW, and it must be paid within 3 months from the commencement of the fiscal year.

International Non-Scripted
Content Association

  • Address

    International Non-Scripted Content Association 84 Heukseok-ro,
    Dongjak-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea bldg. 301(Art Center), Office #118

  • TEL


  • E-mail

Payment of Membership Fee

Account Holder : International Non-Scripted Content Association (사단법인 국제논스크립트콘텐츠협회)

Account : Woori Bank 1005-404-504762